A paper written by Nguyen T. Nguyen and Prof. Jaesik Choi in collaboration with Prof. Yong-ri Choi’s group and Prof. Sam H. Noh’s one is accepted at USENIX ATC 20. Jay H. Park, Gyeongchan Yun, Chang M. Yi, Nguyen T…. Continue Reading →
A papers is accepted at ICRA-2020. YongHyeok Seo, Dongju Shin, Jaesik Choi, and Se Young Chun, A Single Multi-Task Deep Neural Network with Post-Processing for Object Detection with Reasoning and Robotic Grasp Detection, ICRA-2020 (pdf, video).
A perspective, review article, XAI – Explainable artificial intelligence, co-authored by Prof. Jaesik Choi with David Gunning (DARPA, currently at Facebook) and other researchers is published at Science Robotics.
Anh Tong, a PhD student of UNIST, received NAVER PhD Fellowship award.
Two papers are accepted at AAAI-2020. Giyoung Jeon*, Haedong Jeong* and Jaesik Choi, An Efficient Explorative Sampling Considering the Generative Boundaries of Deep Generative Neural Networks, AAAI-2020 (Accepted, Oral, * contributed equally). Woojeong Nam, Shir Gur, Jaesik Choi, Lior Wolf… Continue Reading →
Our research team (http://iaic.unist.ac.kr) successfully has finished a research project with Korea East-West Power Company to build time series deep learning models which diagnose tubes in Power Plant Boilers of the Dangjin power station. Our AI module and software are… Continue Reading →
Our paper, Markov Information Bottleneck to Improve Information Flow in Stochastic Neural Networks, written by Thanh and Jaesik is accepted at Special Issue “Information–Theoretic Approaches to Computational Intelligence” of Entropy. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy/special_issues/information_theoretic_computational_intelligence
Our XAI (Explainable Artificial Intelligence) Center has openings for interns and international exchange students. If you are interested in collaborating with our lab, please send your cv and a cover letter to jaesik.choi at kaist.ac.kr.
Our lab has multiple positions for PhD students and researchers. If you are interested in the positions, please apply by sending a cover letter and CV to jaesik.choi at kaist.ac.kr. If you are serious to join our lab, it would… Continue Reading →
A patent, “Data reduction methods, systems, and devices”, is issued by USPTO. https://patents.google.com/patent/US10366078B2
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