Statistical Artificial Intelligence Lab@KAIST

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research ⛵️



[New Paper] A paper is accepted at SDM-2015 (December 2014)

New Learning Compressive Sensing models! Paper, Learning Compressive Sensing Models for Big Spatio-Temporal Data by Dongeun Lee and Jaesik Choi is accepted at 2015 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2015). (December 2014)

Introduction to PAI-Lab@UNIST


[New Paper] A paper is accepted in AAAI-2015 (November 2014)

The first paper (in the literature) on learning parameters in relational continuous probabilistic models! Paper, “Learning Relational Kalman Filtering” by Jaesik Choi, Eyal Amir, Tianfan Xu and Albert Valocchi is accepted at AAAI-2015 Conference. (November 2014)

[New Paper] A paper is accepted at IEEE Signal Processing Letters (November 2014)

A face detection algorithm robust on signal noises.Paper, “Semi-Local Structure Patterns for Robust Face Detection” by Kyungjoong Jeong, Jaesik Choiand Gil-Jin Jang is accepted IEEE Signal Processing Letters. (November 2014)

[Invited Speakers] Four excellent invited speakers (October 2014)

We thank for the exciting talks from excellent invited speakers in October 2014! [ECE Colloquium] Prof. Seungjin Choi from POSTECH presents “Learning with Multi-Modal Data” (flyer) [Sillicon Valley Connections Seminar Series] Ikkjin Ahn (CEO of Moloco and previously engineering manager… Continue Reading →

The first demo of Baxter Robot (October 2014)

We are pleased to release a demo of our Baxter Research Robot which writes “UNIST ECE” on the board. Phuong Hoang keeps working on improving the writing.

[New Paper] IEEE BigData 2014 (September 2014)

A new fast and efficient sensing framework for archiving Big Data. Paper, “Low Complexity Sensing for Big Spatio-Temporal Data” by Dongeun Lee and Jaesik Choi is accepted at 2014 IEEE Big Data Conference.

The first Google Glass demo (July 2014)

We are pleased to release the first demo of our Google Glass application which is equipped with our own face detection module. Kyungjoong Jeong leads the development of the face detection module and Chung-Geol Ryu leads the development of the… Continue Reading →

Baxter Research Robot has arrived! (July 2014)

Our second experimental device, Baxter Research Robot, has just arrived (the first in Korea). The Baxter Research Robot will be used for the research of robot learning actions automatically.

The first experimental device, Google Glass (June 2014)

The first experimental device of our lab, Google Glass, has just arrived. The Google Glass will be used to detect human activities. (June 2014)

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