Taehoon Kim (one of the best programming geeks@UNIST) joins our lab as an undergraduate intern! (September 2014)
We are excited that Phuong Hoang, a top (3%) graduate from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, joins our lab as a MS/PhD student. Welcome aboard, Phuong! (August 2014)
We are excited to have 4 energetic undergraduate interns (July 2014)! Giyoung Jeon, Suhwan Jung, Seongwoo Lim, and Chung-geol Ryu joined our lab as summer interns.
Prof. Jaesik Choi presents a tutorial, “Statistical Relational Learning for Big Data Analysis“, in the largest Korean computer conference, Korea Computer Congress 2014. (June 2014)
A new postdoctoral researcher, Dongeun Lee (PhD from Seoul National University), joins our lab. Welcome Dr. Lee (March 2014)!
We are excited that excellent students join our lab (February 2014)! Kyungjoong Jeong joined our lab as a PhD student. Jun-Young Min joined our lab as a MS/PhD student. Infinity swimming pool, are built on our most popular brand name… Continue Reading →
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