Our team won the AI competition (the 1st place in the general (non-commercial) track) hosted by the Korea East West Power.
SAIL members, Kyunghwan, Cheongwoong and Soonjae, won the second award at the 2020 ETRI Open API Use Case Contest Competition! Congratulations!! https://aiopen.etri.re.kr/intro_notice_view.php?wr_id=90
Three papers authored by our lab members are accepted at AAAI-21. – Anh Tong, Toan Tran, Hung Bui and Jaesik Choi, Learning Compositional Sparse Gaussian Processes with a Shrinkage Prior, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021. – Anh Tong… Continue Reading →
Prof. Choi’s online lecture will be broadcasted at 8pm (KST) in the following link, Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMQjmeTmoxQ NAVER – https://tv.naver.com/kaos https://ikaos.org/kaos/apply/view.php?kc_idx=79 Intro Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Czt2xTQNmY
A paper is accepted at ICAIF-2020. Youngjin Park, Deokjun Eom, and Jaesik Choi, Improved Predictive Deep Temporal Neural Networks with Trend Filtering, ICAIF-2020
KAIST AI대학원 확률형 인공지는 연구실에서 수행하는 연구(시계열 데이터 분석 및 설명가능 인공지능)에 관심있는 지원자는 이력서(CV)를 jaesik.choi@kaist.ac.kr로 지원 부탁드립니다. 관심있는 지원자를 위해서 다음과 같은 FAQ를 준비했습니다. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y7nZnkSMRI4uB9WJTTsmCyR-mVM3Z4plQ9_wJlYMadY/edit?usp=sharing If you are interested in research (time series analysis and explainable AI) at SAIL@KAIST,… Continue Reading →
A tutorial proposed to KDD 2020, Interpreting and Explaining Deep Neural Networks: A Perspective on Time Series Data, is accepted.
A paper written by Nguyen T. Nguyen and Prof. Jaesik Choi in collaboration with Prof. Yong-ri Choi’s group and Prof. Sam H. Noh’s one is accepted at USENIX ATC 20. Jay H. Park, Gyeongchan Yun, Chang M. Yi, Nguyen T…. Continue Reading →
A papers is accepted at ICRA-2020. YongHyeok Seo, Dongju Shin, Jaesik Choi, and Se Young Chun, A Single Multi-Task Deep Neural Network with Post-Processing for Object Detection with Reasoning and Robotic Grasp Detection, ICRA-2020 (pdf, video).
A perspective, review article, XAI – Explainable artificial intelligence, co-authored by Prof. Jaesik Choi with David Gunning (DARPA, currently at Facebook) and other researchers is published at Science Robotics.
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