Anh Tong
Brief Bio
Anh Tong received his BS degree in School of Mathematics and Informatics from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam in 2013.
He previously worked for leading Vietnamese companies including Viettel (2013-2014) and VinEcom-VinGroup (2014-2015).
Research Interest
Anh’s current research interests are machine learning, Gaussian Processes, The Automatic Statistician, probabilistic programming (Stan), and big data (Spark).
- Yunseong Hwang, Anh Tong and Jaesik Choi,
Automatic Construction of Nonparametric Relational Regression Models for Multiple Time Series,
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2016. - Anh Tong and Jaesik Choi,
Automatic Generation of Probabilistic Programming from Time Series Data,
International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI), 2016 - Anh Tong and Jaesik Choi, Discovering Latent Covariance Structures for Multiple Time Series , International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2019.
- Anh Tong and Jaesik Choi, Explain pathology in Deep Gaussian Process using Chaos Theory, ICML 2019 Workshop on Theoretical Physics for Deep Learning, 2019 (accepted).
- Jiyeon Han, Kyowoon Lee, Anh Tong and Jaesik Choi, Confirmatory Bayesian Online Change Point Detection in the Covariance Structure of Gaussian Processes, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , 2019 (accepted).
Awards and Honors
- International Conference on Machine Learning 2016 Travel Award (declined)
- International Conference on Machine Learning 2019 Travel Award